Health & Safety
Due to challenges caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), We have increased safety measures and adapted services. The safety of our clients and chauffeurs are our top priorities. We have taken several precautions to provide the highest level of protection for our customers and chauffeurs alike in recommended guidance, by Gov. Baker, CDC, and the World Health Organization.
Safety is Our
TOP Priority
Vehicle Disinfect
The vehicle is sanitized twice before each reservation ensuring a deep cleaning prior to your reservation.
Safety Assisting
The Chauffeur must sanitize any luggage handles before assisting you with your luggage. As always, your safety is our top priority.
Use of PPE
The use of PPE and masks is mandatory for all Chauffeurs and provides you with a facemask if needed.
No Shared Contact
Chauffeur greets you with a slight bow instead of a handshake.